An Un-Lucky Ride

We went for a ride. It was good. Lucky didn’t come. We rode home. It was good, too.

The crowd has gathered at Jerry’s for the official send off.
Scrounger made it to Denman on his pretty Dooookaaati.
Barnaby sporting his new ‘do’.
Rocky made it to Denman too.
Boris and his usual. Moey had to pick up the slack left by Lucky and chomped on the remnants.

Two ‘old’ mates before Scrounger had to depart as he had snapped his jockstrap earlier that morning and was returning home.
Closed road at Bylong sent us around on an interesting detour to Mudgee where Nige tried his hardest to eat a whole muffin without spreading crumbs from ear’ole to ….
We made it to the top of Mt Paranoia without a certain someone, who shall remain nameless, going on and on and on and on about it.
Moey trying out his centrefold pose.
Boris showing what he thought of Brock’s Skyline.
The man, the machine. What’s to add?
Oh!, Yeh! Barnaby was there too.
After we consulted all our maps and navigation devices, we stumbled our way to the Knickerbocker Carpark and wound our way around the boom gate that didn’t open for us ….. again.
A couple of ‘lemonades’ upon arrival before ascending the stairs to our palatial quarters.
A gourmet feast for the travellers.
Even though the raffle was eponymous he didn’t win shit.
Gamblers gambled and Boris was being drawn into Moey’s web.
Back at coffee headquarters before some brisk riding, Boris and Barnaby said a quiet prayer to the phone gods for a safe journey. Would they ever be able to find their way back to the Knickerbocker?
The 3 Stooges outside the winner of the ‘Most Improved Cafe’ in Burraga, 2022. The coffee and banana bread deal was very good.
Nige doing some yoga while revering the black beast of awesome noise.
After watching ‘most’ of the races and a little nana nap, we hit the Bathurst Panthers where Boris was drawn ever deeper into the world of gambling. Here he is displaying how desperate he was by betting down to his last cent. I mean, lend the poor bugger a bob or two.
His depravity knew no limits.
Paydirt. See, gambling does pay. This is easy. Why work?
The next day and the day of departure saw Boris and Barnaby head home via the rain and fog that is known as Bells Line of Road. Moey and Nige took the adventure route back the way we had come and stopped for a photo shoot at the Cooyal Hotel in the middle of …..
We wound our way around potholes and streams back to where the road had been blocked on day 1. Moey, ever the rebel, is on the wrong side of those signs. Oooooooh Aaaaaaah

It turned out to be a very good ride. Moey and Nige got a bit of drizzle between Broke and Freeman’s Waterhole while, from a few desperate messages, it would appear that the other two splitters had a more ‘interesting ride’ home.
Old and buggered (no, not that sort of buggered).

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