Lane Filtering

The Minister Roads and Ports, the Honourable Duncan Gay today announced that Lane Filtering for Motorcycles in NSW will be legalised.


What’s Goin’ On?


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Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance Keys was determined that we should stop at Jerry’s Plain for fuel and coffee. Here we are enjoying the steaming mugs of coffee. What’s that you say, you can’t see any steaming mugs of coffee? Lucky forgot to mention that we did a token lap of the mountain. […]


Some good news and some bad news.

First, the GOOD news. We can finally remove rego label holders from our bikes. And now, the BAD news (from the Daily Telegraph) It is set to be the year of the speed camera in NSW, with more of the despised devices rolled out than ever before. Government tender documents show that, from this month, […]


Down but not out.

The Mighty Ninja is still languishing out the back of Image Motorcycles. “Pipes are on the way”, says Will. “Soon”, says Cookie. “Shit”, says Nige.

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Meeting & State of Origin 1

Nige meeting and an opportunity to watch NSW overcome QLD in State of Origin 1 Meet at the the Entrance Leagues Club (Tigers) at 7pm for a meal and lemonades before the broadcast at 7:30pm.


Bath Time


Hell Freezes Over

Took delivery today of my nice, shiny new BMW GS Adventure. The speedo on this bike wins as it came with only 4kms on it. Yes, they are still ugly ….. Yes, they still have things hanging out the side ….. No, I didn’t buy any BMW branded clothing 😉 Yes, I still have the […]

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Go West Young Man

Been there, done that …. Cobar again. Take great care in Wilcannia … Christmas decorations really brighten up the Wilcannia streetscape. Immortalised in stone [paver 🙂 ] and the biggest meanest boys got this very manly colour. Yes, this was as good as the Broken Hill Speedway got, it really was tragic. There’s hope for […]


Nige Club Xmas Meeting (Cancelled)

CANCELLED Scrounger has decided to call a gathering of all Niges in the new clubhouse (very close to where the old clubhouse stood) on Wednesday 7th December at 6pm. The usual BBQ sausage sanger might be the go, bring a lemonade or two and maybe a nibble if so inclined. Scrounger and Droop will share […]

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